Short-Term Rental Inspections Available Starting December 2022

The City of Searcy recently announced that they will begin offering short-term rental inspections in December in order to allow owners to complete their inspection before the ordinance takes effect January 1, 2023.

The new ordinance was approved by the City Council in August and outlines standards for short-term rentals within the city. In order to receive a business license for a short-term rental, owners must have an inspection by the Fire Marshall and a Building Inspection Official. 

“We have already received calls from short-term rental owners who would like to get their inspection done in order to receive their business license at the beginning of the year,” Richard Stafford, Planning and Development Director said. “By offering these inspections in December, owners will have the opportunity to continue operating as usual in the beginning of the year.”

In addition to obtaining and maintaining a business license, owners must also adhere to the following standards outlined in the ordinance:

1. Short-term rental must adhere to all zoning regulations regarding the property’s current zoning classification;

2. Short-term rentals must meet all off-street parking requirements found in Chapter 6 of this code;

3. Maximum overnight occupancy shall be two (2) persons per bedroom, plus two (2) additional persons.

4. All short-term rentals and vacation rentals, including those classified as bed and breakfast facilities shall collect and pay all appropriate federal, state, and local taxes.

“The goal with developing these standards was to help ensure the safety of those visiting our community and the neighborhoods around the properties,” Mayor Kyle Osborne said. 

To schedule an inspection for a short-term rental property, please contact the City of Searcy Code Enforcement Department at (501) 279-1085.

Additional resources for Short-Term Rental Owners can be found at


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