David Morris
1201 Holmes Rd.
Searcy, AR 72143
(501) 412-8811
David Morris, a native of Searcy, has served two four-year terms as the Mayor of Searcy, from 2011 through 2018. He now is serving in his first term on the City Council. Prior to being elected Mayor, David was the Assistant Director of the Association of Arkansas Counties, a statewide organization working for the betterment of county government across the state of Arkansas.
David has a varied background of experience with over forty-four years in the operation and administration of local government. In 1982, he was elected and served as the White County Judge.
A graduate of Searcy High School, he continued his education and graduated from the University of Central Arkansas with a Bachelor of Science degree and received a Master of Health Services Management and a Master in Business, both from Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri.
David and his wife, Gail, were married in 2003. Gail is a native of Cleburne County. Together, they have seven children, twelve grandchildren and one great-grand child. David is a member and worships at Searcy First United Methodist Church, where he sings in the Chancel Choir.